Bleach, Urahara Kisuke/Shihouin Yoruichi; Emotions: Hope

Nov 21, 2006 20:46

Title: Lesson No. 1
Author: scathachdhu
Theme: Hope
Rating: G
Notes: Spoilers for their history and Soul Society arc

Yoruichi looked at Kisuke from the corner of her eye. He was favoring his left side, likely injured from his capture. Unfortunately, they couldn’t afford the time to stop and check on it. The soul gate wasn’t far, but the distraction she’d left when she broke him out of custody wouldn’t work for much longer.

As they ran, she could see in his eyes all the things he wanted to ask. She could also see that he wouldn’t ask them.

As they finished the final preparations, he lifted his head, eyes drinking in his last sight of Soul Society. Yoruichi looked away out of respect, but when she turned back to him he had locked that desperate gaze on her.

A sudden fury filled her, momentarily beating back the anguish clawing at her insides.

“They don’t get to take you from me, Kisuke!” Yoruichi snapped. “We will see each other again.”

His face went blank with shock before relaxing. Reaching out, he rested his hand on the curve of her cheek and met her eyes with a faint smile.

A shout rang out-their pursuers had caught up with them.

Yoruichi spared a second to nuzzle his palm. “You’d better get going.”

“Don’t be long, then,” he replied, before stepping through the gate.

Yoruichi’s eyes were hot and dry as she faced the approaching forces. Kisuke only needed ten minutes to lose himself in the living world.

Hadou no yon. Byakurai.*

“See you soon,” she murmured.

*Way of destruction number four; white lightning.

urahara kisuke/shihouin yoruichi, bleach, emotions: hope

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