House: Greg House/Brittany House, cardinal directions: south

Nov 19, 2006 13:51

Title: Shouldn't Have Gone
Fandom: House
Pairing: Greg House/Brittany House
Prompt: #3 -- South
Word Count: 253
Rating: PG
Summary: She still misses the way it used to be.

Brittany was born and raised a California girl, living all her life in the Los Angeles area. She had been perfectly content to live there the rest of her entire life. In fact, it had been her intent, with a successful career and a college degree, to settle down and make her roots in Southern California.

Until she met Greg, that was.

After she met him and fell in love, the answer seemed simple. He had an established job and a life in New Jersey. She couldn't in good conscience ask him to move. So she had moved to Princeton. They had married, bought a house, and had a son, and now she knew she was as tied to New Jersey as she had once been to California. There would be no going back.

Sometimes, she still misses the way it used to be. Not that there's much wrong with Jersey, other than it's a frigid icebox in the winters. She has friends here, and a whole other job, and the house is beautiful and she's happy. She's not scrambling for an exit. But she thinks of that wonderful California sun, and the people she used to call family that she hardly speaks to anymore, and the job she had that she walked out on, and all the history she left behind that she'll never get back.

Then she thinks of Greg tanning on a beach, their son playing in the waves, and every bit of common sense promptly goes out the window.

greg house/brittany house, house m.d., cardinal directions: south

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