Gundam Wing: Heero/Duo, times of day: noon

Nov 18, 2006 12:54

title: lo que es mio, es tuyo (what's mine is yours), author: merith, theme: times of day - noon, rating: PG,
notes: written for the fall '06 stagesoflove, this is the second of five stories for this theme. ~ ♥ ~ Dawn ~ ♥ ~

Lunch was at a diner about a mile from the spaceport. Our first of four interviews had gone a longer than what we’d planned, but if the information provided panned out, the delay would be worth it. We were already running late for the second interview, but a quick call pushed it back another hour.

I ordered my usual - cheeseburger and fries - and Heero, his sensible tuna sandwich and side salad. In the two years, four month and ten days (or so) of being his partner, of all the times we have eaten lunch together, Heero never varies. Always some sort of low-fat meat sandwich with a salad, or in season fruit.

But he never fails to steal a fry or two off my plate.

“Adams at one, Panelli at two, Grinager at three and Jones at four,” I was looking over the list, making notes and waving the disposable cup holding my soda in one hand. “Let’s hope none of the others will be as chatty as Xing was.”

“Xing gave us valuable information.” Heero had the Adams folder open, and was flipping through notes, recommendations and performance reviews. “We can only hope the others are as informative.”

He reached over and snatch up a fry without looking up from the page he was reading. I was finished eating, but liked watching Heero. But, as the fry disappeared between his lips, the words he’d spoke just hours before came back. What the hell had he meant by saying that? Had it been just a joke, the same as someone - anyone - else would have said in more of a sarcastic manner? But, this was Heero. He dealt in facts, was straight up about his actions, direct.

“Heero,” I was speaking before I could stop myself. “about this morning, when we were flying up here…” Heero’s eyes flicked up my way and back to the folder. I took a quick drink, my mouth dry. “I want to ask - do you - you if - love… - I mean, what you said… - me… - watching the game at The Dugout on Saturday, right?” I took another drink.

By this time, Heero was staring at me, that slight frown he gets between his eyebrows pronounced. It was suddenly an imperative act to finish my fries. From the corner of my eyes, I could see that Heero was flipping the folder shut and pushing his lunch tray away. Instead of saying a word, he reached over and took another fry.

It happened while we were riding the lift up to our next appointment. Heero’s hand rose and his fingers brushed against the inside of my arm up to the hem of the short sleeve. I couldn’t stifle the shiver and turned to face him, to ask what I couldn’t before. The elevator doors opened and the car was filling with others going up. Heero’s hand dropped away, but he leaned close to me.

“It’s at Wufei’s on Saturday.”

times of day: noon, gundam wing, heero yuy/duo maxwell

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