Bleach: Noitra/Ulquiorra, Sexual Kinks - Food Sex

Nov 17, 2006 23:25

Title: A Taste of Powerlessness
Author: shinigamikender
Theme: Sexual Kinks - Food Sex
Rating: PG-13

Raw souls were a rarity in Hueco Mundo and even more so in the confines of Las Noches. Humans rarely made it this far before they were consumed and turned into hollows and those few that survived could rarely be sucked dry with a gonzui. So, Ulquiorra simply raised an eyebrow as the other settled next to him in the baths, carrying a bowl of the wane spirits.

Noitra's lean, nude form made little noise as it slid neatly into the water by the first of the Espada. He was sinewy and, even without his cobra-like hood, he still resembled a snake in almost every other way possible from his slit-like eyes to his obnoxious grin and overlong figure.

The third Espada reached into the bowl, catching a soul as it quivered gelatinously. He lifted it free from its companions, licking it from his open palm. Human souls had little reiatsu. They were far from the delicacy of more advanced souls, but they had a strange quality to them, an odd taste that simply wasn't comparable.

Ulquiorra looked to the side, leaning back into the water. He wouldn't move for such a minor bother as Noitra was. As long as the other kept to himself, he could bathe in peace.

The major problem was that Noitra was far from someone who could keep his hands to himself. The barest ripples were the only signs of the snake-like Espada's movements, but it was enough for Ulquiorra as his hand shot out to catch an invasive hand.

Noitra smiled widely, his fingers flexing innocently enough in Ulquiorra's hand as he moved closer, "Is there a problem, Primera?"

Ulquiorra's grip tightened as his eyes narrowed, "There is. You are intruding too closely."

"Oooh?" Noitra leaned forward, long fingers of his free trailing against Ulquiorra's bare chest to swirl about the small indentation of a belly button where no umbilical cord had ever been connected.

Ulquiorra shifted uncomfortably, lowering his second hand to catch Noitra's invasive one, "That is not acceptable."

Noitra chuckled, letting his reiatsu lift as he straddled the smaller Espada using his entrapped hands to keep the other's hands from moving to stop him, "Acceptable is a particularly vague term, Primera. There are very few standards by which to tell what is acceptable."

"This is not acceptable," Ulquiorra clarified, jerking his hands uselessly back to try and remove them from the viselike grip of the other, looking almost petulant as Noitra pinned him against the edge of the communal baths.

"But, yet, dearest Primera, you do little to stop me," Noitra lowered his head, nipping boredly at the collarbone that protruded from Ulquiorra's thin form, toying his tongue against it. "One might say you were enjoying this."

"One would be wrong."

"And, yet," Noitra reached for the bowl once again, snatching up the hand he freed with his other before the entrapped Espada could retaliate, "I am not a stump like our other brother." He smeared the gelatinous souls along Ulquiorra's barely damp skin. They glistened otherworldly in the dim light of the small room.

"I am not Grimmjow," Ulquiorra shuddered under the warm chill of the spirits as they slid over his skin, followed by Noitra's snakelike tongue in their wake, gasping as the other shifted to press his cock against his own. "And you are more...- Nngh -Useful than Luppi was in Aizen's ranks."

Noitra chuckled, "Saying things like that makes me wonder what else I could get away with." His hand, still sticky with the remnants of the souls, lowered to tenuously play at Ulquiorra's entrance.

The first of the Espada frowned, "Trying things like that might get you killed."

Noitra's fingers continued their probe, "I couldn't say a death like that wouldn't be worth it."

"I couldn't say you'd survive to find out."

Noitra shifted, his lanky frame pressing lower, "We'll see, won't we?"

noitra/ulquiorra, bleach, sexual kinks: food sex

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