Bleach, Urahara Kisuke/Shihouin Yoruichi; Emotions: Envy

Nov 15, 2006 19:32

Title: You Should Be Here
Author/Artist: scathachdhu
Theme: Envy
Rating: G
Notes: Slight spoilers if you don't know their history

“Why am I here again?” Yoruichi yawned. She was perched on top of a worktable in Urahara’s lab, swinging her slender legs.

“Because you couldn’t pass up the opportunity to watch a genius at work,” Urahara answered, carefully grinding foul-smelling ingredients into an equally foul-smelling paste.

“I could have easily passed this up, Kisuke, but you whined until I said I’d stay,” Yoruichi said dryly. “Now hurry up and entertain me or I’m leaving.”

Urahara shook his head and gave a dramatic sigh (although he was careful not to disturb any of the powder). “You wound me, Yoruichi-san.”

“I thought scientists had to be prepared for disappointment.”

“We all have our weak moments… sit still, please, Yoruichi-san; this part is quite sensitive.” He began to add a clear liquid to the powder, bit by bit.

Yoruichi’s eyes flashed, but she stayed motionless as he mixed the ingredients into a paste and scraped it into a small clay pot.

It was bad enough he spent so much time in here; she didn’t see why he wanted her to sit and watch him ignore her.

“There,” he muttered, satisfied.

Yoruichi heaved a long-suffering sigh. “Are you finally done?”

Something that might have been disappointment flickered in his eyes and was just as quickly hidden. “Yes, I’m done, Yoruichi-san. Now we just have to go test it.”

“Test?” She perked up.

He looked slightly mollified. “Yes, test. If you like it, maybe you can add it to your arsenal.”

“What does it do?”

“It’s an explosive paste. You can apply it to a surface, and then detonate it from a distance with hadou. The resulting blast should be much larger than that achieved by hadou alone.”

“Huh. Let’s go try it out.” She hopped down from the table and made for the door, leaving him to follow more slowly.

Once outside, she stretched and drew in a deep breath. As he watched, she tilted her head with a small smile, as if the sun were running warm fingers down the line of her throat.

Urahara knew spending hours in a lab didn’t appeal to everyone, but was it too much to hope she could show some interest for his sake? After all, he didn’t begrudge her the hours she disappeared, wandering around Soul Society, as if he wasn’t enough-

…Well, perhaps he did, but at least he wasn’t as loud about it as she was.

“Come on, Kisuke,” she said, throwing a smile over her shoulder.

Instead of worrying so much about the times she’s not with you, just enjoy the times she is.

Urahara frowned. The voice in his head sounded an awful lot like Ukitake Juushirou today.

“Kisuke?” her smile faltered as her eyebrows drew together in concern.

Urahara smiled as he caught up with her. “How rude of me to keep you waiting, Yoruichi-san.”

“Hmm,” she narrowed her eyes for a moment before grinning. “Race you there?”

“Winner picks the terms?”

She nodded, and the two were gone in a flash.

urahara kisuke/shihouin yoruichi, bleach, emotions: envy

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