Gundam Wing, Heero/Duo, Domestic Activities: Napping

Nov 11, 2006 06:29

Author: corazon_d_fuego
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Paring: Heero/Duo
Rating: PG
Theme: Domestic Activities - Napping 2/5
Warnings: Licking
Disclaimer: I don't own them. I just think they're pretty. *_*

Notes: This set of five is set in my drabble-verse universe. You can find the other pieces on my journal, but they aren't required to understand what's going on. Word count: 177.

Carrying the furniture into the house before the boxes was definitely the right choice. Duo hit the sofa with a smack, the plastic covering it creaking and sticking to his sweat-covered back. "We own way too much crap!" he shouted, hoping Heero could hear him in the kitchen. The braided man covered his eyes with an arm, lying still until another body was crawling on top of him. A hot tongue ran up his throat, licking away the salty taste from his skin. "Mmmm... Babe, I'm way too tired and sore." He popped open an eye, grinning at the smile spread over Heero's lips.

"That's good because I'm hardly in the mood either." Heero's eyes drifted shut as fingers ran through his wet bangs, pushing them out of his face. He laid his head on Duo's chest, the skin sticky and heated, but familiar. The steady rhythm of Duo's heart comforted him, the fingers petting his head soothing away his aches until he fell asleep, his arm sliding off the couch to hang limp over the front.

gundam wing, heero yuy/duo maxwell, domestic: napping

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