Bleach: Noitra/Ulquiorra, Sexual Kinks - Voyeurism

Nov 10, 2006 23:04

Title: Out of Sight, Quite in Mind
Author: shinigamikender
Theme: Sexual Kinks - Voyeurism
Rating: PG-13

Ulquiorra fingers his collar as he exits Aizen's quarters, grasping momentarily at it before letting his hand drop to his side and turning on his heel. It's seventeen seconds before Noitra pulls away from the long shadows cast by bleached white columns to follow after him.

Long, lazy footsteps are paced to match sharper short ones as Noitra follows the first of the Espada as he goes about his business. Whether or not the other knows of his presence, it's hard to tell. The barest flinches in his presence are gone in seconds and if Noitra's snake-like eye doesn't catch them in time, they're lost, hardly even remembered by Ulquiorra himself.

That's what's almost erotic about watching the leader of the Espada. Noitra never knows if he's been seen or if he hasn't been. The other rarely if ever lets on, only in the barest stiffness in his movements.

Ulquiorra pauses to check one of the rooms as he passes, footsteps slowing to a halt almost as fast as they began. His expression is blank, high cheekbones imperious against white skin as his lips stay in the leader's habitual frown.

Noitra's grin cracks wider as he leans back, long fingers lifting to trace against his own chest, breath pacing itself just the scarcest bit faster as he palms an erect nipple. He toys with it lazily, occasionally burying a long nail against the slightly darker flesh. It's a mixture of relaxing and just plain erotic as he waits for Ulquiorra to move again until Noitra realizes something.

That pale face has turned his way, dark green eyes studying Noitra's slumped form as the third of the Espada feels himself. The hall seems strangely silent as Ulquiorra's lips part, opening to cast some reprimand or query.

But, the primera espada says nothing and does little more than turn on his heel again, continuing on his way, staccato steps echoing through the hall along with him. Noitra's hand pauses as he watches the other walk away before he begins to chuckle darkly. He couldn't wait to see Ulquiorra's reaction next time he got caught.

noitra/ulquiorra, bleach, sexual kinks: voyeurism

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