Veronica Mars, Weevil/Veronica: Times of Day

Nov 06, 2006 18:34

Title: Commiserate
Author/Artist: plasticeneposes
Theme: Noon
Rating: G

On the morning of October 11, Veronica awakens to a silent house. Her dad is chasing a case in Portland and she vaguely wonders if he planned it this way on purpose. She dismisses the thought and crawls out of bed, shooing Backup away. The kitchen tiles are cold under her bare feet, but there’s steaming hot coffee waiting for her in the pot.

Lilly's junior year class portrait sits in a small frame on the mantle, next to pictures of Veronica and Keith, a few featuring Lianne, some including Cliff, Wallace, Alicia. Usually it makes Veronica smile to see them all grouped together, as if they were all family. Today, she studiously avoids looking at the display, restlessly fingering with the pendant around her neck. She's trying to decide if going to Sociology is really worth it when there's a knock at the front door.

Veronica doesn't know if there's anybody else she would have rather seen than Weevil, fidgeting back and forth on her doorstep.

"Hey," she says softly. He nods a “hello”.

"Wanna get outta here?" he asks. Veronica can do nothing to stop the smile that crosses her face, and the Sociology debate is quickly forgotten.

times of day: noon, veronica mars/eli 'weevil' navarro, veronica mars

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