Most Important Meal of the Day (Weiss Kreuz; Crawford/Schuldig); Five Domestic Behaviours - Cooking

Nov 05, 2006 10:45

Title: Most Important Meal of the Day
Author: Daegaer
Theme: Five Domestic Behaviours - Cooking
Rating: PG

Every so often, Crawford woke up with a mad light in his eyes, went into the kitchen and started making breakfast. Golden-brown French Toast, sizzling bacon, fat American pancakes.

"Save some eggs! It's not breakfast if there aren't eggs!" Schuldig said.

"Fricking Germans," Crawford muttered, scrambling the final eggs.

"Fucking Yank," Schuldig grinned, slapping his ass.

Farfarello made gagging noises. Nagi grabbed the pancakes and began to methodically devour them.

"They're eating our breakfast, Mommy," Schuldig whined.

"He calls me that in bed too," Crawford said.

Farfarello and Nagi left in disgust.

"Victory!" Schuldig crowed, dividing the food in two.

domestic: cooking, weiß kreuz, schuldig/brad crawford

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