24 - Brittany House/Jake Hannigan - "Glamour Shot"

Sep 04, 2006 12:40

Title: Glamour Shot
Fandom: 24
Characters: Brittany House, Jake Hannigan
Prompt: 4. I feel better having screamed, don't you?
Word Count: 500
Rating: PG
Summary: Jake and Brittany have a heart-to-heart after winning at the Tammy Awards.
Author's Notes: The Tammys are real awards that are presented to the LJ roleplaying communities every year. And after our heroes managed to actually win some of said awards, I couldn't resist an opportunity to see what they said to each other at the afterparty. This takes place there, after they've been harassing each other and going nuts all evening.

Yet again, they're standing on the outside of the party, looking in. Except this time they're doing it holding strangely shaped golden statues, because they actually won something.

"These things are bizarre," Jake Hannigan comments, not really sure what the appropriate way to hold a giant golden donkey statue is. He gives it an odd look, fixing the collar on his Armani suit. It seems strange that he wore a suit that expensive to come away with an award that looks like it was made in China.

Brittany House smiles slightly and nods toward the thing in his hands. "At least for you, it's appropriate."

Jake winces, feigning hurt, but the smirk curling the corners of his lips gives it all away. "Nice one," he drawls, then replies, "You know you wanted that Kinkiest Muse award."

"I did not!" she protests, squeaking a little. The mere idea of that was embarrassing. Folding her arms over her chest, she replies, "Why, are you jealous you're not gonna get to find out?"

"Please." He snorts. "A month from now, give me a call."

There's a long pause. They set their awards down on the table, if only so Jake can pick up a beer and sip politely at it while Brittany, still recuperating from having given birth two weeks ago, watches the crowd. Very few of these people are friends. Most are strangers. Neither of them really wanted to be here all that much. But they showed up anyway. For themselves.

And for each other, because supporting your colleagues is an unwritten rule. Though they'll never admit it.

"You two really are so sweet on each other it's disgusting," Jake replies, looking at her award, won for 'Couple So Sweet, Your Teeth Hurt.' She and her husband have won the award twice in a row now, both years that there have been Tammy Awards.

She smiles slightly. "And you really are an asshole," she tells him, nodding toward his Most Obnoxious Asshole trophy. Jake won't admit it, but he wanted to win. It was a source of pride. If only to injure someone else with the award. Someone who's an asshole of the highest order.

"Thank you," he says. "I'm glad that you're happy, Brittany."

"Yeah, Jake. Me too."

Another pause, as they stand there and look at one another, he in his immaculately pressed all-black Armani, she in a teal Vera Wang gown he's never seen on her before. They're colleagues. They're collaborators. Sometimes, they're competitors. But when it comes down to it, in the end, they're on the same side. And they can appreciate each other's success, and each other's good looks.

"Dance with me, Hannigan," she offers.

"Not in a million years, House."

A laugh. She'd expected him to say that. "You just wanna grab a beer and go sit out back instead?"

He grins at her, offering his hand. "I knew you'd see it my way," he says.

Which is the truth, if only for a little while.

brittany house/jake hannigan, 24, the 7s challenge

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