Title: Forever Against (always for)
shiina_nozumoFandom: Naruto
Characters: Tsunade + Jiraiya + Orochimaru
Theme/Prompt: Five Stages of Change - Adaptation
Rating: G
Word Count: 102
A/N: Not beta'd.
Orochimaru found a boy with silver hair on the battlefield, alone but unafraid. The boy had looked at him curiously and he decided that he had found a new toy, one much more useful than Anko had ever been (one strong enough to survive without his help).
Jiriaya had become a hermit, all too happy to wallow in his own self-pity and ignore the world around him. He almost regretted the fact that he had failed in that too.
Tsunade disappeared a short time after Orochimaru and Jiraiya did, deciding that the best place was the one farthest away from painful memories.