FF7: Vincent/Cloud, Five Wrongs

Jun 04, 2006 22:43

Title: The Gold Saucer Episodes #3
Author: solitaryjane
Theme: Five Wrongs
Pairing: Vincent/Cloud
Rating: PG
Author's Note: Third installment.

He interrupted Vincent at just the wrong moment. His lover was at a practice court, shooting of the gun at the wobbling targets. Cloud’s soft “hey!” was just loud enough to throw off Vincent’s concentration. The bullet ended up embedded in the wooden column on the side.
“Sorry…” Cloud winced.
Vincent gave him a cool look, and said nothing.
Cloud swallowed. This wasn’t going to be easy, and in all honesty he really thought Vincent was over-reacting to their argument earlier. Typical, but frustrating.
“Look,” Cloud began, “it was a slip, and you know I don’t mean anything by it…”

final fantasy 7, cloud strife/vincent valentine, five wrongs

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