Gundam Wing; Heero Yuy; Five Loves

Jun 02, 2006 14:37

Title: Gifts of War 3/5
Author: Misanagi
Theme: Five Loves
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 100

Wufei I recognized as a comrade and a powerful ally. Back then, he was a loner and as long as he fought with us I didn't care if he considered me a friend or not. However, at some point, the lines between ally and friend blurred.

If I ever said out loud that I care for him, that my respect grew out to be love, he would punch me. That's the type of things we don't talk about. We show them; covering each other's backs, going out for a cup of coffee or not pulling a blow when we spar.

five loves, gundam wing, heero yuy

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