Fruits Basket: Kyo/Tohru, Five Firsts; Shigure Sohma, Five days; Kyo/ Tohru, Five stages of love

May 28, 2006 13:47

Title: The First Time I Saw You
Author/Artist: Klove0511
Theme: Five Firsts, #1 First Meeting
Rating: G
Author's Note: Eep! Very late... (I was on vacation without internet access...Would have posted before I left, but I thought we WOULD have access... my bad. Please still accept this) Anyway, there are definitely spoilers in here, so if you aren't mostly caught up with Japan in the series, I'd stay away.

The first time I saw you. Can it really be called our first meeting? We were only five or six at the time, so young. I don’t think you saw me; I hid when you started to turn around. I only saw you once, just that one time. And then, so many years later, I crashed into Shigure’s house, and there you were, the last person I expected to see in that room, the last person I wanted to see at the time. Why did I come back then, burdened by the guilt of four months previously? Why did I instinctively want your first impression of me to be more than the klutz possessed by the cat?

What was your first impression? Our first meeting, well, the first meeting for you, ended up being more about my stupid curse than the childhood link you didn’t know we had. It was about my stupidity, not the way you brightened the room or how I noticed your charm from the first second you touched me. For me, it was more of a reminder of the guilt I had than a happy second chance to say hello to a girl I promised to find fourteen years ago. So, what was your first impression? I suppose it couldn’t have been all bad, since we’re going on our first date tonight. Then again, your first impression may have been overshadowed by the four years in between our first meeting and our first date. Or perhaps it wasn’t; it’s been much longer for me, but my first impression of you has remained intact, burned forever in my memory. You are still the lonely, innocent, little girl, and I am still the idiot possessed by the cat. Our first meeting, whether you say it was fourteen years ago or only four, is an unforgettable moment.

Title: Some Unplanned Romance
Theme: Five Firsts #2 First Date
Rating: PG for some language (not much, the rating is just to be safe)
Author's Note (if applicable): No spoilers in this one, just some cute fluff and a very confused Kyo.

“Kyo-kun, where are we going?”

“Didn’t I tell you to just call me Kyo?”

“Oh, right. I’m sorry; I just…slipped. It won’t happen again!” Tohru replied, giving me one of her signature smiles. I laughed and gently hit her head. She laughed in response, rubbing where I’d hit her.

In reality, I wasn’t entirely sure where we were going to go for this date. All I knew was that I didn’t want to go to a movie. So, that meant maybe dinner. And after dinner, is I hadn’t thought of something else to do, this was going to be one lame first date.

We arrived at the restaurant, and I noticed something very suspicious. Shigure was there. Next to him was the idiot snake, and on the other side of him was Hatori. Across the room I recognized Haru’s white hair, and keeping him occupied was Momiji. As I watched, Yuki came and sat down with them. What the hell was going on here? Why was half the family suddenly at the restaurant that I’d planned to take Tohru to? Hell, I hadn’t even told anyone where we were going so this sort of thing wouldn’t happen!

We sat. We were placed in a corner of the restaurant, which suited me just fine. I could keep an eye on everyone else, and Tohru didn’t have to realize they were there. Besides, the corner was kind of cozy, romantic even. It was a nice atmosphere for a first date.

After we ordered food, things started getting out of hand. A waiter appeared with candles, then a musician, who ended up being Momiji in a disguise so Tohru didn’t recognize him, started playing the violin next to our table. I was tense, which of course made Tohru nervous, but I had to admit, it was a nice touch. Tohru went to the bathroom, and immediately after she disappeared, Ayame caused a scene, making everyone that wasn’t a Sohma run for the sake of their sanity. The family members that were there promptly cleared the tables and made a space on the floor, shoving tables and chairs to the side as quickly and quietly as possible. They promptly disappeared at the exact moment Tohru emerged from the restroom. She was shocked, and as the violin started up again, I asked her to dance. I didn’t know how they’d figured it out or why they’d planned this, but she loved it, and it was certainly much better than anything I could have planned. Hatori even picked up the bill. I wondered how the rest of the evening would turn out, and if I’d ever need to admit that it wasn’t me that had planned that.

Title: How to Extend a Deadline
Theme: Days of the week, Monday
Rating: PG for deviousness ^_^

Hmm, today is Monday; my original deadline was sometime last month, and the new deadline is today. I can probably push things until Friday without getting dropped, maybe even next Monday.

I sat at my desk contemplating my week, trying to figure out just how lazy I can be and how much torture I can put Mii through this week without having my book dropped or her killing herself. So far I’d only had one book dropped, which is how I learned just how far I can push a publisher. Mii is still alive, so I’ve been good there, at least so far.

It’s not that I want to drive her to suicide; I just enjoy teasing her. After all, she’s adorable when she panics! She’s not quite as adorable as Tohru, but my little flower would break much faster than my editor. I wouldn’t want any harm to come to Tohru. Kyo and Yuki would kill me if anything happened to her. I happen to value my life.

I digress. Since I do in fact have nearly 200 pages left to write, I do believe I shall do that tomorrow. Today I have business with my bed. The business is commonly known as sleep. Mii should be by in a few hours, at which time I intend to sick in bed with a very bad cold.

“Shigure! I thought I told you that the deadline was today! We already pushed the deadline back two weeks! If I don’t have the manuscript soon we’ll have to drop your story!!”

“But Mii, I swear, I came down with this terrible cold, and only yesterday was released from the hospital. I would have called you to extend the deadline, but I was so weak that I could have died simply by reaching for the phone!”

I’m sure she knew I was lying. I could see it in her eyes. For a moment, she looked as though she believed me, and then the moment was gone. Nevertheless, she relented and granted me until Wednesday to finish the manuscript. My day’s work is done. Now it is time for me to sleep, and in a few hours I shall be granted the extreme pleasure of partaking in one of Tohru’s delicious meals. Tomorrow…tomorrow, I write.

Title: When a Dog Works
Theme: Days of the week, Tuesday
Rating:PG-13 for...implied things

Tuesday. I have just written half of a novel in the span of one day. Was it difficult? Not in the slightest. This particular novel was remarkably easy to write. Let’s see, what time is it, anyway? Four in the afternoon. This really has been a long day. Yes, long. I woke up around one in the morning and have been working diligently ever since. I barely even stopped to eat. Then again, I shouldn’t complain. When one of my own works is this exciting, I have no room to complain. It has certainly been a while since I’ve written something of such pure genius.

I repeat, this novel is pure genius. It is perhaps the most romantic novel I have ever written, and I had to “relieve” myself several times today in the middle of writing some of my favorite scenes. It is not graphic, merely…romantic. It is every man’s dream.

Perhaps a nap is in order. After all, I have spent the last fifteen hours working hard on my novel. I deserve a break. After the nap, I shall devise plans to elude Mii tomorrow. I still have a few chapters to write before my masterpiece is complete, but those can wait until morning.

Naps are beautiful things, though I’ll never understand why Yuki has such strong objections to my odd sleep schedule. He really must learn to be more open minded about such things. As I tell him time and time again, I became a writer so I didn’t need a normal sleep schedule. But the masterpiece is done, and the plans are made. Tomorrow will be torture for Mii, and the deadline shall be pushed back again. I will make sure of it.

Title: The Setup
Theme: Stages of Love, #2 Romance
Rating: G
Author's Note (if applicable): Slightly OOC Yuki, but it's cute and necessary. Deal with it.^_^

If Yuki, sickened by the relentless cycle of awkwardness and blushing, hadn’t sent notes to Kyo and Tohru from the other telling them to come to the kitchen, it is likely they never would have found each other. Yuki had prepared a lavish dinner (his cooking class had paid off after all) and had set the table for two, complete with candles for mood.

He remembered the day well, as he’d been watching them from the door. The darkness of the room had kept him hidden, and the romance in the air was thick enough to be cut with a knife, though perhaps an arrow sent from Cupid’s bow might have done a better job. They’d blushed furiously, each convinced that the other had set the whole thing up, neither wanting to ask why. There was nothing they could do but sit and eat, waiting for the other to make their move. Under their plates were more notes, addressed from the other, expressing their feelings. Yuki had arranged these notes as well, and had taken care to write them in a manner awkward enough to be believably from one of the couple. Tohru had asked Kyo if he really felt that way, and after reading the note, he’d been too embarrassed to say that he hadn’t written it. After all, the note said everything he felt, and it was signed with his name. If someone else wanted to play matchmaker, he wasn’t going to object.

That had been two months ago. Currently, the happy couple was on the roof, enjoying another candlelit dinner, only this time, Tohru had done the cooking, and Kyo had done the set-up. What an interesting dinner it would be.

romance, sohma kyo/honda tohru, five days: monday, five firsts: first date, five firsts: first meeting, fruits basket, five stages of love, five days: tuesday

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