FFIV/FFX-2: Edward "Edge" Geraldine/Gippal, five firsts: first date

May 28, 2006 22:22

Title: Homesickness
Author: twilightsrain/edenbound (ficjournal)
Theme: First Date
Rating: PG

It isn't exactly a date, but it is, Gippal thinks, close enough. Edge has opened up to him a little over the course of it and now he knows more about this other world, whether real or imagined or somewhere in between, than he really needs or wants to. He encourages the talk, though, and tops up Edge's drink whenever he looks to be running low. It's comfortable that way, with him occassionally putting in snippers of information about the way Spira and Edge's world differ, and otherwise just listening.

Edge is suddenly sober, now, or maybe just depressed from the alcohol, and his eyes catch at Gippal's in a way Gippal knows he really can't deny. "I know I surprised everyone, when I showed up here... and for a while I even managed to act like I intended it. But I really don't know why or how I'm here, or how to get home, and it... it bothers me."

"I guess it'd bother anyone," the Al Bhed says, softly, and Edge nods, staring into somewhere in the middle distance.

"I suppose. It... it's not that I'm not happy here, or that I don't like it," suddenly urgent, though Gippal's taken no offence and wouldn't anyway, "it's just that it's not my home and I kind of -- "

"It's okay," Gippal says, quickly, and he puts a hand out without even thinking, taking Edge's hand in his and squeezing gently. "It's okay. I understand. Hell, first time I was away from the desert I got all homesick and I was still on my own planet."

Edge nods slightly, hiding away his moment of weakness quickly, like it was never there, staring down at his hand in Gippal's. "Thanks for... listening."

Gippal smiles and then draws back, sensing a hint of embarrassment. "It's okay."

edward 'edge' geraldine/gippal, five firsts: first date, crossovers: ffiv/ffx-2

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