Angel the Series: Angel/Cordelia, Five Firsts: First Kiss

May 28, 2006 13:25

Title: Kissing
Author: Sweetness(
Fandom: Angel
Pairing: Angel/Cordelia Chase
Theme: Five Firsts: first kiss
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Angel belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Author's note: Set folling the end of ATS Season One.

Their first kiss wasn’t something to set off fireworks for either of them. Instead it was an awkward hurried affair of Angel placing a relieved kiss that was meant for her cheek but landed instead on the corner of her mouth when Cordelia turned her head at the last moment. He had been relieved that she had lived through the torrent of visions that Wolfram and Hart had sent her and he needed to physically express that relief. The most natural way had been for him to place a kiss on her cheek.

When Angel pulled back from Cordelia, he took in the sight of her blushing at the kiss. As he looked into her brown eyes, he could see her love for him shining brightly. Cordelia looked downwards as he realized her feelings for him, before she could say anything to ruin the moment and possibly their chance at being together, Angel caught her chin. He gently lifted her face so that he could look into her eyes again. This time he kissed her full on the lips proving that sometimes second kisses are much better than the first kiss.

Cordelia sighed as she moved into Angel’s arms as they continued to kiss. She felt relief that he reciprocated her feelings. Relief and happiness that she had found someone with whom she could be herself and someone who accepted her as she was. At that moment, nothing else really mattered but Angel and his kisses.


angel the series, firsts: first love, angel/cordelia chase

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