CSI, Sara/Nick, Stages of Love & The Elements

May 27, 2006 07:25

Never heard a no ...

Title: Coming Home
Author: venetia-sassy
Prompt: Stages of Love - Commitment
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I own my imagination, nothing else.
Author's Notes: Writing this set backwards. General outline, Nick and Sara become more than friends after Grave Danger. Set in an AU Season 6. *sniffs in irritation* Obviously.

Coming Home

Title: The Salt of Her Tears
Author: venetia-sassy
Prompt: The Elements - Water
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I own my imagination, nothing else.
Author's Notes: Post Grave Danger.

The Salt of Her Tears

five elements: water, commitment, five stages of love, sara sidle/nick stokes, csi

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