BTVS: (Spike/Buffy/Faith/Xander) Five First Dates

May 22, 2006 22:41

Title: Five attempts at normality 1/5.
Author: ebonypsyche
Rating: PG
Theme: Five first dates

I- just- want- a- date- that's- normal" Buffy said. as she cut off the head if the demon of the week. She stepped back to avoid the splatter of the blue blood. " Is that so wrong?"

" Pet it's two slayers, a vampire, and a scooby. We're not going to be normal." Spike answered.

"Besides B being normal isn't so great. wouldn't have met you three if I wasn't part of the chosen two, girl." Faith said dusting herself off. She reached for Xander, making sure he was ok.

"I never went on a date. It might be nice."

Buffy nodded. "We're going to the movies on time and we are going to establish something normal." The other three looked at her and nodded.

Just then a nest of vampires closed in on them.

five first dates, spike/xander/buffy/faith, buffy the vampire slayer

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