Veronica Mars: Logan/Veronica, Seven Deadly Sins

May 22, 2006 00:48

Title: Torches
Author: WickedGame
Theme: Seven Deadly Sins
Rating: PG
Author’s Note: Sin in spotlight: Greed

On a side note: On these three entries I cannot figure out how to modify the tags. It tells me I do not have permission. So sorry for the lack of tags.

I held onto Lily’s memory as long as I could. I carried my love for her around like a weight, clinging to it for as long as I could. With my love for her I didn’t feel so alone.

But then Veronica came along and swept me off my feet. Not literally. But when she looks at me and treats me like I am no different than anyone else I somehow feel special at the same time.

I loved Lily and always will. Now I think I will carry a love for Veronica around too. I can never love enough.

seven deadly sins: greed, veronica mars/logan echolls, veronica mars

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