Fanfiction Title: Forever Against (always for)
shiina_nozumoFandom: Naruto
Characters: Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru (with hints of Naruto and Yondaime)
Theme/Prompt: Five Stages of Change - Beginning
Rating: G+
Word Count: 101 (so close -_-'')
A/N: Why is it that when the prompt is beginnings it ends up as endings? xD
Tsunade denied the past whenever possible, it only came out if she wasn’t drunk enough (she kept five bottles hidden in a draw away from Shizune’s eyes).
Jiraiya avoided the past though sometimes his vision would blur and he would mistake one blond for another. (“Oi Yondaime, where have you been?”) Naruto hadn’t bothered explaining why he was still at the bar while the boy slept inside the hotel.
Orochimaru could care less about the past; it didn’t matter to him (though he still refused to think about his genin days, happiness wasn’t in his vocabulary. He had forced it out).