All drabbles by
wiccagirl24 and rated PG
Fandom/Pairing: CSI, GSR
Theme: Five stages of grief
Sara flipped open her ringing cell phone and answered it without taking her eyes off the computer screen.
“Where are you?” Concern was clear in Grissom’s voice. Any other time Sara would have tried to reassure him. Today she couldn’t bring herself to care.
“At work,” she answered harshly.
“Shouldn’t you...”
“I’m fine. The doctor cleared me to work.”
“It’s not that. Don’t you think you should take some time?” He needed time. Time with her.
“For what? It was nothing, Grissom. Just nature’s way of cleaning up something that was not meant.”
“You don’t believe that.”
“I have to.”
Fandom/Pairing: House MD, House/Cameron
Theme: Seven Sins
He was the best. When other doctors couldn’t figure out was wrong, they sent their patents to him. He solved the cases that no one else could. Hundreds of people were alive because of him. But today, none of that mattered. He had tried his hardest, fought with everything he had, and still it had not been enough.
“It’s not your fault.” Cameron rested her hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently. “You did everything you could.”
“But it wasn’t enough, was it?” He reached up to turn off the flat-lined heart monitor. “In the end, that’s all that matters.”
Fandom/Pairing: BtVS, Buffy Summers/Giles
Theme: Five firsts
As the library door closed behind Buffy, Giles retreated into his office. Shaking his head, he turned on the electric teapot. A headache was starting to build behind his eyes; as he fell into his chair he covered his face with his hands.
This was never going to work. She wouldn’t listen to him; wouldn’t face the danger that she was destined to fight. It was just his luck that after years of training he was assigned a slayer who didn’t want to slay. He should call the airline and arrange a flight home. He wouldn’t be here for long.
Fandom/Pairing: Big Love, Bill/Barb/Nikki/Margene
Theme: Five rooms
“I’m going to miss this,” Bill remarked as he picked up his end of the couch.
“This?” Barb questioned from the doorway of the almost empty livingroom.
“Eleven people living on top of each other in one house? I won’t,” Nikki said from her end of the couch. She’d never had a home of her own; this was finally her chance.
“You’re right that we need the space. I’ll miss this room though; the togetherness we shared here.”
“We’ll still have that at the new houses, won’t we?” Margene asked worriedly.
“We’ll make sure of it,” Bill reassured. “We’re family.”