Gundam Wing: Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell - Five Elements - Air

May 16, 2006 01:05

title: every season, author: merith, fandom/pairing: gundam wing / heero/duo, warnings: post ew, heero pov, odd, BL rating: PG (will be at least an R in later additions)


When he rises, announces he is going to take a walk, he gives me a look before leaving. After a minute or two of waiting, I follow. I am not sure why I trail after him, but know I have to. This chase began as a game, a way to pass the time and has now progressed to something more.

Three years, five months and twenty-four days have passed from when we first met; two years, nine months and ten days have passed from when the game began in earnest. Though he has caught me more times than I him, the ratio of captures is about even. He just runs more than I.

Today he has taken a round about walk to an empty pasture. A path that leads from the center of downtown and I watch from around corners as he window shops or idles by a street performer. I lose track of him when the crowd thickens, but see he is beyond the press and am on his trail once again. The wind picks up across the old train tracks; the grass is almost flattened and the air is filled with tree noise.

I turn from him to watch the sky, wondering if a storm is coming or something more.

We are out in the open, and I know he sees me - know he knows he’s been seen. But he stands on the knoll in the knee-high grass and watches me. His lips are moving, but the wind is too strong and carries his words away. I walk closer and am within speaking distance.

“Duo,” I think I said, or might have thought because he is moving again.

But this time, his hand is reaching for me, grabbing my jacket and I have time to wonder what he thinks he is doing before I am jerked forward. Duo’s lips are moving, though he isn’t saying anything. He is kissing me. I freeze for a moment. This isn’t how the game is played, but I don’t care and begin to kiss him back.

His lips are soft and rough and his hand is still fisted in my jacket as though he is afraid I will bolt from him. And though I am the one chasing him, he is the one who has caught me. My eyes are closing, though I want to see him, watch him as he’s kissing me. But I can’t stop them just as I can’t stop my hands from rising and sliding around him.

He releases my jacket and I stumble back. My eyes are opening, lips still tingling from his touch. He looks at me and the wind gusts, blowing his hair about, tugging on its loose ends. I look at the sky, thinking it has started to rain, but the clouds I expect are not there. And when I look at him, he is gone.

I let him walk away, knowing I will catch him the next time.


five elements: air, gundam wing, heero yuy/duo maxwell

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