Taste - Harry Potter: Fenrir Greyback/Remus Lupin

May 01, 2006 11:19

Title: Sacrifice
Author: Evilremmy
Pairing: Fenrir Greyback/Remus Lupin
Theme: Taste - Five Senses
Rating: R
Author's Notes: I had a bout of real life get in the way of posting the rest of this - mostly, I've been sick; with a spinning, unpleasant headache. But it's here now. I'm really sorry it took so long, but I hope it's enjoyed none the less.

Remus Lupin is much older than seventeen now. He’s past thirty; but still young. Still young; but going as grey now as his werewolf form has turned in recent years. He is haggard and worn when he creeps into the dark cave. The smell of wolf and decay is powerful - it would ward away any other traveller, but it draws Remus in instead.

The caves are a labyrinth. Deep inside, there is a flicker of firelight; though from which direction, it is difficult to tell. Lupin follows the acrid taste of smoke deeper into the cave, slinking through the shadows as though he were made of them. Finally he comes to the firelight; where a pack of similar, haggard beings; both young and old; surround the camp fire; gnawing on old bones, and talking amongst each other.

One lifts his head and spots Remus - and he lets out a loud howl that echoes around the cave. The other’s turn to face him - their eyes either dark with the firelight behind them, or full of flames if they are sat behind it. They howl too, filling the cave with a cacophony of lupine voices.

Lupin waits - and sure enough, a strong arm suddenly loops around his waist, pulling him back against an equally firm chest. “Why do you come here, wizard’s pet?” asks a gravely voice; and then he is being dragged away into the darkness; spinning down corridors and through rooms until he is deposited on his back in a pile of powerful smelling furs.

There is a little light in this room - but only from on burning candle. He can see Fenrir clearly though; dark shadow menacing and broad. It doesn’t frighten him. He does not cow to this man. So Fenrir pounces him and takes him, just to prove that he’s the dominant male in this world. Remus screams; but when they’re done, he knows that there is little he could do to stop it. As long as he does not question his position, he will be able to spy on the wolf pack without further harm befalling him.

To prove his compliance and subservience, he licks the salt sweat from Fenrir’s naked form; and cleans away the iron blood and semen from his loins. It is not a taste that Remus would easily forget - it is the taste of sacrifice.

fenrir greyback/remus lupin, harry potter, five senses

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