FFVIII: Seifer Almasy/Squall Leonhart, reconciliation

Apr 29, 2006 19:02

Title: Again
Author: twilightsrain/edenbound (ficjournal)
Theme: Reconciliation
Rating: G
Sorry this is late, I was doing unavoidable busybusy stuff. ♥

It was awkward.

Squall was more awkward than Seifer. He looked up into Seifer's face, at the scar cut between his eyes, at the way he sneered a little, and remembered all the reasons why he loved that arrogant bastard all in one rush. "Seifer," he said, and his voice wasn't working very well.

Seifer shifted a little. "Squall," he said, politely. And then moved to step past him and go on.

Squall put his hand on Seifer's arm.

Their eyes met properly.

"Please," Squall started, not quite sure what he was going to say, and then cleared his throat and tried again, "Would you like to come and get a coffee with me and... talk?"

"You? Offering to talk?" Seifer sounded amused, but behind that his heart was thudding. He looked Squall over and found him as beautiful as he'd been five years ago. A little more mature, maybe, his hair shorter, his eyes softer. "Never thought I'd see the day."

"I quit SeeD," it came out in a rush, and Squall bit his lip.

"Really now?"

It might have been Squall's imagination, but he thought that Seifer's expression softened. Maybe he just thought that because he so desperately wanted that. So desperately wanted, needed, what they used to have, again, always.

It wasn't Squall's imagination that Seifer warmed to him, though. He didn't imagine sitting with him in a restaurant and eating dinner, he didn't imagine falling asleep on the couch with him much later. He didn't imagine waking to Seifer's arms around him, didn't imagine being kissed.

He prayed to all the gods he could think of that they'd never fight again.

final fantasy 8, trouble in paradise, seifer almasy/squall leonhart

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