Amélie: Nino Quincampoix/Amélie Poulain, making up

Apr 29, 2006 18:06

Title: et elle sourit encore
Author: twilightsrain/edenbound (ficjournal)
Theme: Making up
Rating: G
Sorry this is late, I was doing unavoidable busybusy stuff. ♥

Nino is back in her bed and she's surprised how much she missed it. She's glad they're together again, glad that now they've made up they're happy and together again. He tells her that he hasn't spoken to the girl who smiles in weeks and she's secretly, selfishly, glad.

She likes the smell of his hair as it tickles her face, the flex of his fingers against her belly, the little wriggle of his toes and the soft sigh as he snuggles closer. Making up is, she decides, fun, though the rest is horrible. She knows she's lucky.

And she smiles again.

nino quincampoix/amélie poulain, amélie, trouble in paradise

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