House M.D. -- Greg House/Brittany House -- "Covenant"

Apr 28, 2006 10:15

Title: Covenant
Characters/Pairing: Greg House/Brittany House
Prompt: #5 -- Commitment
Word Count: 300
Rating: PG
Summary: To serve and protect; to love and cherish. Which is greater?

She throws up in the alley when she sees Greg's beloved red Corvette and knows he's been taken.

His best friend holds her hair while she sobs, trying to tell her that it isn't her fault, that her husband doesn't blame her for whatever has happened to him. But she can't believe that. She should have seen this coming. She's a federal agent; she knows how this works. If you can't get to someone, you get to their family.

Their family.

Her husband.

Her ex-husband, for measure.

They warned her that if she didn't back off, she would pay the price. Except she hasn't paid the price. Greg and Michael are fuck knows where, having fuck knows what happen to them, paying the price. She told them she would always protect them. The two men she has loved in her life. And she's failed.

But she knows, too, if she gives up that damn disc that's hiding in the safe at the house, then one of the great crimes in intelligence history will go unpunished. The mole in the CIA could jeopardize the identities of hundreds upon thousands of operatives and put their lives at risk.

Two lives versus thousands of lives. Versus the safety of the country.

It's not really a choice, is it?

It's the quandary every agent dreads. Their cause versus the safety of their loved ones. The one they struggle with every day, because they know when it happens, it's really not a choice at all. They have to do their jobs. They can't say that their happiness is more important than the safety of the world.

Except for her, Greg is her entire world. Her reason for living.

She made him a promise.

And she knows, inside, that he'd be telling her to break it.

commitment, greg house/brittany house, five stages of love, house m.d.

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