(Crossover: BtVS/Supernatural) Five Stages of Love: Dawn Summers/Dean Winchester

Apr 26, 2006 01:22

Title: Never Leave Me
Author: Jmaria
Theme: Commitment
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Joss and Kripke are the Bosses. They own Dawn and Dean
Pairing: Dawn Summers/Dean Winchester
Words: 412
Summary: Will she stay or will she go?
Author's Notes:  Explainer part here.

She felt hollow. It could be the lack of sleep, or the knock-down drag out fight she had with her older sister in Dean’s room at three in the morning. Buffy demanded that she come back to Cleveland to help stop the upcoming end of the world, and that she stop following Faith’s lifestyle. And then Buffy and Faith got into it, and it resorted to twelve-year old name calling. Dean and Sam both threw in their two cents, and Dawn had to leave then. She didn’t get very far, just the backseat of the Winchester’s car. Buffy wouldn’t think to look there.

“Hey,” Dean said, slipping into the driver’s seat.
“Buffy give you the shovel or the ribcage speech?” Dawn asked tiredly.
“Both. And then she had a urgent call.”
“Giles,” Dawn sighed. “He called me after she did.”

She was still in her pj’s, but Dean was dressed for the day in his uniform jeans, boots, and jacket.

“What did boss man have to say?”
“Does it matter?”
“Yeah. You going?”
“I don’t know,” Dawn laughed tiredly. “Buffy says they need me, Giles says they really don’t and -”

She was cut off by a buzzing in her pocket. She checked the name, and laughed. Buffy was really going all out to get her back to Slayer headquarters.

“She’s got Xander calling me from Africa! She must really not like you.”
“Are you going?” Dean asked.
“I’m a watcher,” she started to say.
“That’s not an answer, Dawn.”
“If your dad ordered you and Sam to bug out and leave me and Faith, would you?” Dawn snapped, looking years younger than she was.
“Maybe, I -”
“You wouldn’t think twice about it, would you?” Dawn asked. “You’d do what you were told like a good little soldier.”
“It’s different for you. She’s not your -”
“She’s my sister. She’s a slayer, and I’m a watcher. Officially, she has no say on what I do,” She said slowly.

Dawn punched speed-dial on her phone. She waited until Giles picked up on the third ring.

“Tell her I’m staying, and have the rest of the scoobies back off. I‘m watching the slayer I was assigned to.” Giles said something that Dean couldn’t really hear from the front seat. Dawn only rolled her eyes. “The guy is just a bonus. I‘m here for Faith.” With that, she closed the phone and turned back to see Dean grinning at her. “What?”
“I’m a bonus?”

buffy the vampire slayer, crossover, dawn summers/dean winchester, supernatural

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