Title: Treats
Series: Gunpowder and Engine Grease
Author: Rachel
Theme: Five Senses: Taste
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for
stagesoflove. Set right before the beginning of War Stories. Ever wonder why Kaylee was so attached to that apple?
He took her around waist and up against the wall. His mouth was tasting hers before she could protest, not that she was gonna or nothing.
“Hey!” She said, “Cap’n might see us,”
He gave her a dirty smirk, “I brought somethin’ to make up for it.” He pulled a hand from behind him and gave her an apple.
“Aww, Jayne, you didn’t hafta.”
He shrugged, “Gotta crate of ‘em for everybody. This one, though, it was shiny and red. Made me think of ya.” He kissed her forehead gently and left. She shook her head and smiled, she’d never understand him.