CSI, Sara/Sofia, Sexual Response #5 Resolution

Apr 26, 2006 13:21

Theme: Resolution
Author: venetia_sassy
Rating: G
Word Count: 100 per drabble
Disclaimer: I own my imagination, nothing else.
Author’s Note: Look, I wrote two!

#5a Resolution

As Nick headed back to the lab, he wondered who Sofia was seeing. He hadn’t heard any gossip about a boyfriend, but she hadn’t made that hickey herself. He felt his face reddening at the memory. God, that had been embarrassing. And he didn’t know which of them had been more embarrassed, himself when he pointed it out, thinking that Sofia wouldn’t have come into work with it showing if she’d known, or Sofia when she realized he was serious. She had turned such an amazing shade of red before thanking him hurriedly and taking off for the ladies’ room.

#5b Resolution

There was something different about Sara tonight and Nick just couldn’t put his finger on it. She was smiling a lot, but he was almost used to that now. There were rumours she was seeing someone but Sara had refused to confirm or deny any of them - except the rumour that she was dating Hodges. That she had flatly denied.

No, it wasn’t her good mood. It was … it was her shirt. The blue button-down shirt was a little big for her and looked more like something Sofia would - Sofia. Who’d had a hickey last week.


sara sidle/sofia curtis, csi, five stages of sexual response

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