CSI, Sara/Sofia, Stages of Love #5 Commitment

Apr 26, 2006 13:11

Theme: Commitment
Author: venetia_sassy
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I own my imagination, nothing else.
Author’s Note: This is one of my favourites.

#5 Commitment

When Sofia dropped Sara off, she was surprised when Sara came to her window instead of heading straight into the lab. Rolling it down, she looked questioningly at her girlfriend. Sara simply looked at Sofia with a little smile playing around her mouth before leaning forward and kissing her firmly, much to Sofia’s surprise. Finally, Sara drew back, the same little smile on her face as she strolled away.

Bemused, Sofia stared after her girlfriend. Then she saw she wasn’t the only one staring. Greg was grinning like a maniac. Warrick and Nick were gaping. And Sofia began to smile.

sara sidle/sofia curtis, commitment, five stages of love, csi

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