Supernatural, Sam/Dean, Senses #5 - Taste

Apr 26, 2006 03:50

Author: darkhavens
Title: Interstitial 5/5
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: R overall.
Words: 100
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Warnings/Squicks: Underage incest
Summary: Sammy was just eleven when he saw Dean get his first blowjob
Notes: Written for stagesoflove 2006, Round 2, 'Exploring the Relationship Through The Senses', stage #5 - Taste.
Stage #1 - Sight, stage #2 - Hearing, stage #3 - Touch, stage #4 - Smell.

You can either start at the beginning with Stage #1 - Sight (all stages are internally linked), or you can read stage #5 - Taste, under the cut.

Dad gave Sam his first real fake ID for his sixteenth birthday, and Dean took him out and got him drunk and blew him.

Seeing Dean on his knees in the alley gave Sam vertigo, flashing back to when he was eleven. A second later and his mind was wiped clean of every thought except for 'Mouth!' and 'Hot!' and 'Wet!' and 'Morepleasemore!'.

Two amazing minutes later, when he came, Sam was in awe. Dean swallowed every single drop and then rose gracefully to his feet to share the taste.

Sam couldn't get enough.

"It's your turn next, okay, Dean?"

five senses, dean winchester/sam winchester, supernatural

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