Saiyuki -Hakkai/Sanzo - " Reconciliation [ Trouble in Paradise ]

Apr 25, 2006 19:09

Pairings: Hakkai/Sanzo
Theme: #5 Trouble in Paradise - Reconciliation
Words: 500

Stages 1-4:

#1 First Fight
#2 Make-up/Make up sex
#3 Jealousy
#4 Break Up

Violet eyes watched the smoke rise to the ceiling. They had been stuck in this town for a good four days now, and not much about him nor Hakkai has changed. However, the healer seemed quieter than usual. Sanzo often wondered if he was too harsh, but then again, to be honest he didn’t feel quite as guilty.

It wasn’t natural for him to say he was sorry, on the contrary he’d rather wait it out and walk the rough terrain till he could find a suitable answer. Though deep down he knew what ever he would say probably wouldn’t come out right anyway, but if the monkey were in the room he would push the blonde priest to at least try.

He sighed heavily and got down from the window sill. After all, Hakkai had come knocking on his door to check on him a few times since they fought, but each time he’d tell him to go away, though he did miss him, but needed time to think.

He stopped for a moment and shivered. He could feel a pair of invisible hands caressing his body, though they aroused from his memories. He sighed as he remembered Hakkai’s soft fingers trailing down his skin, exploring, though gently. His cool green eyes burning lovingly into him, something about Hakkai haunted him and the feelings and touches wouldn’t leave.

Swallowing hard, he snuffed out the cigarette in the ash tray before readjusting his robes and heading downstairs. Gojyo and Goku were still asleep, but to his luck there was Hakkai sipping tea down stairs, and a sullen look on his face that didn’t quite suite him.

It was obvious that the healer hadn’t slept very well in between that particular time-frame. Sanzo sighed before taking his usual seat next to Hakkai. “I don’t get a greeting?” Sanzo said, violet eyes turning to the healer. Hakkai yelped and jumped a little, surprised, “Yikes, you scared me.” He chirped before turning his gaze to Sanzo. Apparently he was in such a daze that he didn’t even notice him approach.

A smirk curved the priest’s  lips, “It wasn’t that bad was it?” He wondered, though Hakkai turned his head and refused to answer, “Well, I.” He began but cut himself short. Sanzo sighed as his expression lowered, “Don’t beat yourself up, Hakkai. Unless you forgot what I said.” He aptly reminded, more so reinforcing his rules of travel.

Hakkai chuckled, “I think I know what you’re trying to say,  your sorry, right?” He asked with a cheerful smile, though there was a mischievous beam to it. Sanzo twitched, what was he psychic? He wondered and crossed his arms over his chest. “What are you, Hakkai, psychic?” He asked, eyebrow raised, however, he wasn’t expecting a yes or no answer.

“No, but to be honest, I forgive you.” He said hoping to consummate Sanzo’s worry. Sanzo blinked and lifted his gaze, but shook his head as the healer’s laugh escalated and became more jubilant.

saiyuki, trouble in paradise, cho hakkai/genjyo sanzo

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