Trouble in Paradise (04 reconciliation and 05 makeup/make-up sex) - F1 RPS, Michael Schumacher / Edd

Apr 26, 2006 00:10

Title: Don't you wish we tried?
Author/Artist: tinini
Theme: 04 reconciliation
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: Michael’s POV

A month has come and gone and we haven’t talked at all. Not a single word has been passed between the two of us after I caught you making out in that filthy restroom with a good friends of ours. I never would’ve expected you to go as far as you did.

I know I shouldn’t have fuelled you’re suspicions about me and Jenson. There’s nothing between us even though he told me more than once that he is interested in me being more than just a good friend. I’m not. He even tried to kiss me once but I think after I pushed him away rather rudely he finally understood. We haven’t been hanging out half as much as we used to and I don’t really feel like it. The moment I tell him that you and I have split he’d probably try to drag me into his bed.

I miss you. I miss you more than I ever though I would. I miss the touch of your hands, the taste of your lips and the sound of your voice, whispering naughty things to me throughout boring meetings. Late at night I’m lying awake, conjuring up images of us together in that same bed to ease the ache in my chest but it doesn’t work.

There are 20 unanswered calls on my cell phone. I just can’t force myself to call you back. I know you probably did what you did because you wanted to pay me back for something I never considered doing and it hurts even more that you don’t trust me enough to believe what I tell you.

~ ~ ~ ~

The morning of the first race weekend after the summer pause has arrived and thus the first time we will see each other again after that night I left your trailer for good. I’m nervous. Twitchy as a school boy defines it even better maybe.

Our eyes lock the instant I enter the paddock. It is rather scary how fast our lives clash again. My palms turn cold and sweaty when I realize that this isn’t an incident. You’ve waited right where I now see you standing, waiting for me to show up. You know me well enough to exactly know my schedule on a race weekend. I stop and return your stare, as you slowly start to come over and the urge to be near you almost outweighs the anger and hurt I’m still feeling. Despite all these twisted emotions I can’t move and so you take it as approval to approach me even further. Facing each other, you don’t say a word; you just take my hand and squeeze it in front of everyone and for the whole world to see. Funnily enough, it doesn’t freak me out.

“Can we talk?”

The pleading undertone in your voice speaks to me of all the ways you want to say sorry but can’t.

But how easy am I going to make it for you?

Title: Back where I belong
Author/Artist: tinini
Theme: 05 make up sex
Rating: R
Author's Notes: Eddie’s POV

I don’t know what I expect you to do when I sneak into your trailer in the dead of the night. We talked for an hour this afternoon and I think I now understand where we took the wrong turn. I only hope that we can find the right direction again and if I can speed up the process by crawling into your bed, I am happy to take the risk.

It’s dark in your trailer but I know my way by heart and I don’t bump into anything. When I see you lying in front of me on your bed, bare chest rising and falling with the gentle breathing pattern of your sleep, one leg sprawled sideways, sticking out from underneath the light covers and the other one only barely visible as it is hidden underneath the linen sheets I can feel that we can work things out.

Kneeling down, I run the fingertips of my right hand over your jaw line and the baby soft skin of your neck to where your collarbones meet. You stir in your sleep and your lashes flutter momentarily. Before you can open your eyes, I bent down to press my lips to yours. They’re cool and warm at the same time and they taste of home and all the things I’ve thrown away so carelessly. Tears burn in the back of my throat as a hand comes to rest on the back of my head, keeping my mouth in place, pressed to yours. I don’t dare to open my eyes but I can feel your lips begin to move as you start to kiss me back.

“I’ve missed you.” You whisper against my lips when we break apart to catch our breaths.

“I know,” is all I can think of to answer and then your hands slip down to my waist, pulling me up to lie on top of you.

“I’m sorry,” you mumble in-between kisses, “I’m sorry I made you doubt.”

“No,” I object, “I’m sorry that I doubted you.” I kiss you again and you moan softly, lifting your hips from the mattress to dig your growing hardness into my groin. It sends a shiver over my body, a trembling that vibrates through every nerve and resonates in your slightly smaller frame beneath me as you slowly start to peal away my shirt.

The more intimate our touches become, the more it feels like we’re going to be okay. Maybe it will make our relationship even stronger, maybe it won’t but at the moment, it feels like heaven.

~ The End ~

formula 1 rps, michael schumacher/eddie irvine, trouble in paradise

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