The Dark is Rising: Will/Bran, taste

Apr 25, 2006 18:09

Title: Taste it in your tears
Author: dragondaughters
Theme: Exploration of love through the five senses
A/N: Last line and title are a lyric from an Evanescence song. Hope that’s allowed!

Will has been walking the hills all day and waiting for Bran to return. He relishes the freedom and the feeling of coming home but he aches for Brans touch.

When he comes home in the evening, his body is exhausted but his eyes are shining. Bran’s mouth taste of fresh Welsh air, vanilla and warmth. Will smiles as that mouth showers his unprotesting body with kisses, some gentle, some rough.

Will tastes of open spaces, whipsers and solitude. And all of a sudden, this simple taste floods Bran with all Will’s saddness. He kisses along his collar bone, up his neck and finaslly to the welcoming mouth.

And suddenly Bran is crying. “You’ll never have to be alone again, cariad,” he says fiercely.

“I know,” Will smiles, his own eyes wet, “I can taste it in your tears.”

will stanton/bran davies, five senses, the dark is rising

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