Harry Potter - Harry/Draco - Five Stages of Love

Apr 23, 2006 14:11

Title: First Time
Author: blue_icy_rose
Rating: PG
Stage: Intimacy
Summary: Draco is there when Harry wakes up in the Hospital Wing.
Disclaimer: These characters are definitely not mine. They belong to J.K. Rowling and I just borrow them.
Author's Note: Well, thankfully I'm making a dent in these now that RL is cutting me a bit of slack. The last set should be out soon. Hope you enjoy and feedback's welcome!

“You get injured more than any person I know,” Draco said, shaking his head. Harry grinned and shifted towards him a bit, wincing when pain shot through his side.

“Wasn’t my fault,” Harry told him.

Draco raised an eyebrow. “Obviously. I’d question your sanity if you’d deliberately sat there on your broom, hoping for that Bludger to knock into you.” He scowled. “Bloody Ravenclaws. You’d think with their supposed brains, they’d learn how to aim,” he muttered. Harry smiled again, restraining himself from saying that he was pretty sure that it was the Beater’s job to hit Bludgers at other players. It was his job to pay attention so he wouldn’t get hit and so he could find the Snitch.

Harry frowned at that thought. “We lost didn’t we?”

Draco nodded. “Yeah.” He paused and looked pained. “But they did as well as they could without a Seeker, I suppose.”

“That practically killed you, didn’t it?”

“I came very close to paying Weasley a compliment. Weasley. What do you think?” Laughter turned into a wince and Draco frowned. “I’ll go get Madame Pomfrey, let her know that you’re awake.”

“She’ll make me take potions.”

“They’ll heal you.”

“Nasty potions, Draco.”

Shaking his head, Draco stood. “You’ll live. Besides, you’ll want to see the look on her face when she sees me still here. She almost went into shock when I told her we’d called a truce.”

“A truce?”

“Yes. Now she knows that you’ve seen the error of your ways and have befriended me.” Draco smirked as Harry rolled his eyes. “Now get some rest, Harry. I’ll get Pomfrey.” He didn’t wait for a reply as he turned and walked away, leaving Harry staring after him in shock. He could only think of one thing.

That’s the first time he’s called me Harry.

harry potter, harry potter/draco malfoy, five stages of love, intimacy

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