InuYasha: Sesshoumaru/Kagome, Intimacy

Apr 19, 2006 09:01

Title: The Next Time
Author: astarvingwriter
Theme: Stages of Love: Intimacy
Fandom: Inuyasha
Pairing: Sesshoumaru/Kagome
Rating: Any Age
Author's Note: Enjoy if you can.

The Next Time
Standard Disclaimer Applies

The first time she cries for him, he does not understand. He knows his injury appears terrible, but he does not know why it calls for such honest misery from her. Whatever disgust he has for himself over obtaining the injury only strengthens at how it affects her. He tells her to stop and she does. The ensuing silence is harsh, and the weight of her stare is far worse than her stifled sobs.

The second time she cries for him, he is angry. She is the one injured this time and, she should not be wasting her energy on such a frivolous thing as tears. He says as much and she merely smiles apologetically. She tells him she cries because she is upset. She didn't mean for him to worry. He stares at her blankly before demanding she cease. He decides there is no understanding a human, particularly this human. He wouldn't have it any other way.

The third time she cries for him, her eyes defy him. Her eyes defy nature and death, good and evil, and everything in between. She tells him to stop asking her to do the impossible and that she will cry if she so feels. She tells him to admit that discontent, that worry is forming in his mind. Tears are still trailing down her face as she turns her back on him, such a beautiful treacherous back, and begins wholeheartedly searching for his lost ward. He cannot classify what exactly he thinks of her defiance. He only knows that he respects it.

The fourth time she cries for him, he lets her.

five stages of love, intimacy, inuyasha, sesshomaru/kagome higurashi

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