New Series Tomorrow People: Adam Newman/Megabyte Damon, Five Senses

Apr 19, 2006 19:43

Title: Creeping Up Slowly
Author: Anne
Rating: R
Theme: Five Senses: Taste
Warnings: Romance, sap, sexual references and imagery.
Author's Note: This is set in the flyingblind_rpg universe
Disclaimer: The Tomorrow People belong to Roger Damon Price, Thames/Tetra and ITV television.
I promise to return the characters in one piece, more or less, when I'm finished, but hold no liability for any physical injury or psychological trauma sustained by them in my fiction.
[ ] = telepathy

Megabyte couldn't remember when he had developed his oral fixation. It just always had been there. Touching, licking, tasting.

Taste was a weird thing. Some stuff appealed, some didn't. Some he'd gotten used to, even changing his likes and dislikes the longer he and Adam had been together. He still loved his coffee, but the craving had faded over the years. Adam couldn't stand coffee. Just the smell made him ill. Megabyte tended to drink it when his husband wasn't around. He and Quatre still met semi-regularly for a decent cup, but they'd changed cafes to suit their own changes of location. The best one was still at the university on Rhode Island, although there was this one place in London which came damn close.

But there was something that bet coffee hands down, always had.


Hot, hard and screaming Megabyte's name. It was one of Adam's kinks, getting blown off. Always had been. He was a damn good student too, overachiever, same as with everything else, but fuck, in this case Megabyte wasn't going to stop him. The things he could do with that mouth…

Megabyte shifted. Just the thought was enough to get him horny as hell.

[You're always horny.] Adam looked up from the other side of the room, peering over the top of the textbook he'd been pouring over for the last half an hour.

[Yeah. So?] Megabyte grinned. [Didn't mean to disturb ya.] He hadn't realised he was thinking so loudly.

Adam closed the book. [ Just finished. Checking something for a patient.] He stood and stretched, running his hands through his hair. [Kids are asleep. Thought we could get an early night.] Even wearing an old t-shirt and sweats, his hair half mussed, and tired, he was everything Megabyte had always wanted and then some.

[Never turn down an early night.] Megabyte walked across the room, taking Adam into his arms. [ Thought we could make love tonight. Slow, tender, show you how much I love you.]

[ Like that. Love you.] Adam kissed him, deep and slow. They stood there for a moment, holding each other, enjoying the closeness.

Adam in his arms, wanting him, loving him. Kids asleep down the hallway, Lee curled in front of an open fire. Stuff came and went, changed over time, but this was their future, their forever.


megabyte damon/adam newman, tomorrow people, five senses

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