The Dark is Rising | Bran/Jane/Will | Intimacy

Apr 18, 2006 23:50

Title: Evenings In
Author/Artist: Zelda Ophelia zeldaophelia
Theme: Intimacy
Rating: PG

Evening was their time together, coming in from their different jobs around the city. Dinner was an informal affair, often times even take-away that someone brought home with them. Will would tell them about his students, sharing amusing anecdotes while they ate and Bran would talk about the latest harp piece he was learning. Jane tells them stories of the people in and out of the shop where she works, the fashion faux pas and designer disasters that occur on her shift.

But when they finish the dishes and move to the other room they turn to other conversation topics. Life and love are prevalent, how they feel for each other and how that doesn't seem to fit with societal norms in this day and age. They talk long into the night and as the first vestiges of light show on the horizon Bran is convinced he could tell them anything.

round ii, bran davies/jane drew/will stanton, five stages of love, intimacy, the dark is rising

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