Title: What I Wouldn't Give
Characters/Pairing: Greg House/Brittany House
Prompt: #4 -- Intimacy
Word Count: 274
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Summary: What I am is his.
Author's Notes: This whole concept is actually from a longer AU fic that I never got finished, but it's one of the cornerstones of Brittany's belief system when it comes to her marriage, and I really like it. I hope that you do as well.
James thinks it's insane. Greg won't let me do it.
It would land me in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. That doesn't scare me; I've walked with a limp before. I can live with not walking at all. I've prepared myself for that.
The fact is, I don't care what anyone else says, I would do this for my husband.
I'm twenty-one years old and in pretty good physical health, all things considered. If it were at all possible for them to remove muscle fibers from my leg and transplant them into his...if there was the slightest chance that he could walk again because of it...or even just with a little less pain than he normally does...
...then I would do this for him, without hesitation. No matter if it cripples me.
I've lived a good life, and I can give some of it up. And there would be for no better cause than to give the man I love the one thing he has always wanted, wanted with a passion and a pain, that they say he can never have.
What I am is his. Everything that is in me belongs to him. He has enough pieces of me inside of him already. What's one real piece of me somewhere inside of him? Isn't that the most you can give someone you care for, give them a piece of yourself, a part of your life? The exchange of pieces of our bodies? Isn't that just all the metaphorical love crap put into physical practice?
If that's what it takes, then that's what I'll give.
I've never been completely sane anyway.