New series Tomorrow People. Megabyte Damon/Adam Newman, Reconciliation

Apr 12, 2006 16:44

Title: A little bit of patience.
Theme: Trouble in paradise - Reconciliation
Fandom: New series Tomorrow People
Pairings: Megabyte Damon/Adam Newman, Jade Weston/Kevin Wilson, past Jade Weston/Megabyte Damon
Rating: R for language
Word count: 500
Warnings/Spoilers: swearing
Summary: Trouble in paradise scenario for the stages of love community. Set within the Dream team universe.

[ ] Denotes telepathy.

The walk down the hallway from Jade and Kevin's living room to the spare bedroom where Adam was resting was the longest one Megabyte had ever made. He was sure the length of the flat must have grown to miles, days passing as he made the journey. He'd heard that condemned men called the passage from the detention cell to the gas chamber the long walk, but until that moment he'd never fully appreciated why. The sense of finality that came with knowing it was going to be all over, no matter what you said or did. No matter how much you wanted things to be different.

Megabyte paused at the door of the room and rubbed his hands on his jeans clad legs. He knew he looked like hell, but he hadn't wanted to take the time to shave, shower and change clothes. Once he'd realized that more than anything he wanted, no, needed to be with Adam it'd seemed inconsequential. It wasn't like Adam'd only seen him at his best. He'd pathed Jade and asked what hospital Adam was in. It'd been a shock when she told him that he'd been released into their care and would be staying in their spare room until he was feeling better.

She'd taken one look at him when he'd teleported in, taking in his disheveled and dirty clothes, still stained with Adam's blood. The haggard look brought on by too few hours of sleep, too many tears and close to twenty hours spent riding his motorcycle. The frown of disapproval had disappeared and she'd pulled him into a hug, holding him tightly.

When she finally let go she brushed at his hair and shook her head. Informing him that he needed to let her know if he left otherwise she would assume he'd done the right thing and Adam had forgiven him. He'd tried to grin and make a joke, but his heart wasn't in it. He didn't have the strength to hide anymore. The events of the last twenty-four hours too painfully real in his mind to cover them up with his usual jester act.

So here he was, standing in the doorway, watching Adam sleep. Part of him wanted Adam to wake up now and end the ordeal. The other part wanted him to sleep forever and save him the recriminations that were sure to come. Recriminations, fuck off and a final hit the highway asshole. There was no way Adam would take him back now and he didn't blame him. His heart clenched as Adam moved restlessly on the bed then slowly opened his eyes. His voice was soft and raspy but clear, fear giving it just a hint of a tremor. "Megabyte?"

Megabyte nodded, unable to speak. He shoved his hands into his jeans pockets to hide the fact that they were shaking.

Adam struggled to raise himself up into a sitting position and reached out with his one good arm. "God, I was so scared."

megabyte damon/adam newman, tomorrow people, trouble in paradise

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