(Crossover: BtVS/Supernatural) Dawn Summers/Dean Winchester - Passion

Apr 11, 2006 23:38

Title: Scare Tactics
Author: Jmaria
Theme: Passion
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Joss and Kripke are the Bosses. They own Dawn and Dean
Pairing: Dawn Summers/Dean Winchester
Words: 372
Summary: Realizing what you could have lost and what you’re willing to do to keep it.
Author's Notes: Set during the last part of These Rough Currents, and the episode where Dean gets electrocuted.

Dean looked so weak, a shell of his former self. It was scary to see him like that. So close to death. She remembered the tickling, demon-killing, hard-ass that he was normally. And she couldn’t help crying, because all of that was so very Dean, not this young man on the cusp of death. She prayed, like she had prayed for her mother and for Buffy when they had -

“What’re you doin’, Summers?” Dean murmured, his eyes cracking open. “Where’s Sammy - what happened to those kids?”
“Sam and Faith got them out, you big idiot!” Dawn sobbed, her hand clenching around his.
“I miss somethin’?” Dean croaked, his voice rough with disuse.
“I’m not gonna let you die. You can’t die. Do you hear me?” Dawn said forcefully. “Sam and me, we’ve been - there‘s this healer a few miles from here and we think - ”
“Can’t make my heart better, Dawn. We all gotta time to go -”
“And dying in your twenties is ‘your time’, jackass?” Dawn snapped. “Before you can even live a life outside of hunting demons? Before you can have a real life, and a real family, and love?”

Dean frowned at her. Dawn’s eyes widened as the word slipped out of her mouth. Their eyes caught, held for a moment. Neither one of them wanted to say it, so Dean let his eyes flicker over to the small television. It was a minute or two before he finally spoke again.

“I don’t have any regrets, Summers. ‘Cept for not getting the demon that got Mom, and taking out that laudry detergent teddy bear.”
“Yeah, well I do, Winchester,” Dawn said tightly. “Because I’m not ready to let you go, and neither is Sam. Because my regrets lost me time with both my mom and my sister, and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let you slither out of this - whatever it is we have - so easily. So you are gonna go to this healer guy and you’re gonna get better. Because I’m not letting you die.”
“You’re hot for me, ain’t you?” Dean smirked tiredly.
“Yeah, you big jerk. And you’re not denying me a quality stud muffin, okay?” Dawn laughed.

buffy the vampire slayer, crossover, dawn summers/dean winchester, passion, supernatural

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