Stages of Love, Touch (Giles/Ethan, PG-13)

Apr 11, 2006 22:31

Challenge: stagesoflove, Five Senses, Touch
Author: Trekker (47_trek_47)
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Giles/Ethan
Rating: PG-13
Words: 100

There's a twenty-year-old scar across his shoulder blade.

Ethan doesn't remember pain, just grappling, fury and the terror that they'd actually harm each other. He remembers the broken bottle gouging him every time Ripper thrust into him and that he came so hard he saw stars.

They'd flipped from anger to passion and back between heartbeats. Now, slow ice ages of cold disregard fade to warm fondness until, inevitably, the chill returns.

Sitting by the hotel window watching planes take off, he doesn't notice Rupert until Rupert's hand, hot through Ethan's shirt, settles over that scar. The latest frost begins to melt.

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