SGA: Zelenka/Kusanagi - Five Senses: Touch

Apr 12, 2006 07:22

Title: Skin-hunger
Author: skandrae
Theme/Prompt: Five Senses: Touch
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing: Radek Zelenka/Miko Kusanagi
Rating: PG


Miko sometimes found that she envied inanimate objects.

Particularly, she was ridiculously jealous of Radek's ballpoint pen.

When he was deep in thought, puzzling over an equation or Ancient mathematics, he toyed with the pen; turning it over and over, twisting it between his long fingers, tapping it against his forehead, his mouth. As she watched him, secretly, from across the lab, it was pressed up against his cheek, gleaming silver against the hint of stubble, and she would have traded almost anything to change places with a ballpoint pen, for God's sake.

It was moments like that when she started to think about how long it had been since anyone had touched her. And it had been a long time.

In high school, when all her classmates had been giggling about boys, she had been glasses-deep in textbooks and scientific theory. She had been too uncoordinated for team sports, too awkward for performance clubs, and far too shy for student politics. The only boys she knew were even less socially-adept than she was, and none of them were interested in her.

When she first went to America to work on her post-graduate degrees, though, she found a number of men who were very interested in a shy Asian girl in glasses. The first time a man approached her, she had been so flustered and flattered that she had barely been able to speak. After a while, though, she realized that their interest was less in her, Miko, than in the stereotype they thought she represented. After that, she stopped responding to the come-ons and invitations.

Most of the time, she was barely aware of her body except as the vehicle that got her from Point A to Point B, or as the place her brain was. She knew it was there, but she didn't bother it and it didn't bother her. Except...

Except that, sometimes, she felt like her skin was stretched tightly over her flesh, like the slightest touch would set her on fire. Skin-hunger, touch-hunger: she was desperate for physical contact, but she didn't know how to ask, what to say that would make her need for touch seem less lonely and sad.

Watching Radek's stubble against the pen was becoming torturous. She imagined she could feel the rasp of his cheek against her throat, his chin against her shoulder. She could feel his mouth on the nape of her neck and his long fingers on the small of her back, under her shirt, and she was losing her mind...

He brought her a cup of coffee later that afternoon and, when their fingers brushed, she felt like there should have been a sudden explosion in the lab from the spark of it, the heat. There wasn't, of course, except for the one under her skin, but she kept her eyes lowered, anyway.

Next stage - Scent: A Slow Kind of Crazy

stargate: atlantis, radek zelenka/miko kusanagi, five senses

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