Buffy tVS, Spike/Xander/Anya

Apr 10, 2006 19:00

Title: Choreography
Author: amejisuto
Theme: #3- Passion
Rating: R
Pairing: Spike/Xander/Anya
Fandom: Buffy tVS
Word Count: 571
Disclaimer:Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Summary: The threesome's second attempt at the sex.
Posted at: Written for stagesoflove and posted at my live journal and bloodclaim.
Previous parts can be found here.
Beta'd by the wonderful kitty_poker1. Thanks so much darlin!
Notes: It's actually a wee bit of smut, so there isn't much to say!


Anya sat in one of the chairs in the motel room they were using, watching as Spike attempted to kiss Xander into unconsciousness. Either that or the vampire was looking for fillings, but Anya figured it was the first. They really did make a beautiful picture, Spike's lean frame compared to Xander's more bulky one. It was like seeing sunlight and moonlight or chocolate and vanilla and Anya shook her head to rid herself of that image. She'd been hanging around Xander too long if she was down to making similes with foodstuffs.

But would that make her caramel or strawberry? Considering the rinse she'd used the week before, perhaps strawberry would be best.

This was their second attempt at having group sex. The first, two weeks before, had been a disaster. For one thing, Xander's parents had started fighting in the middle of it, throwing the youngest into a tizzy. And looking back at it, Xander had been nervous before that. Anya figured it must have been the diagrams she'd drawn with instructions and illustrations.

Anya could admit that, while someone needed to be in charge to make sure everyone got off, perhaps having bullet points and a printed-out outline had been too much stress.

This attempt was going much better. For one thing, they'd rented a room for the weekend so there was no rush and no Harrises fighting overhead. Anya had also made sure that she and Xander went on patrol with Spike over the last two weeks, giving the boys more time to feel comfortable with each other so that Xander wouldn't be so nervous.

The three-way make out sessions probably helped as well.

Now she got to watch as Spike pinned Xander to the middle of the king sized bed. Not that Xander was complaining. In fact, Xander had his large hand on Spike's ass, pulling him closer. From where she was sitting, Anya could see the evidence of both men's arousal and the sounds of their passion made her squirm in place.

Over the past few weeks, she'd discovered that she liked watching. A lot.

Watching was good, however participating was better.

Anya got up from where she was sitting and joined the men on the bed. Their kissing didn't stop, but one of Xander's hands moved from Spike's ass to her inner thigh and moved upward. Anya could feel her breath quicken and she reached out with one hand to stroke both Spike’s and Xander's cocks at once.

Suddenly they broke their kiss off and two pairs of lust filled eyes were focused on her, making her blood rush. Spike's eyes were more gold than blue and she knew for a fact he could smell her excitement.

Both men were thrusting into her grip as she stroked them and Spike growled. “You know, Xan, she keeps on getting the upper hand on us. Think we should retaliate?”

“I think what's good for the goose is good for the ganders.” Xander gave that smile that had nothing of the self-conscious boy he'd been and all of the confident man he was becoming as his hand wandered up to the junction of her thighs. When she gasped, Spike used that as an opportunity to chase her tongue with his own.

Anya's last truly coherent thought was that perhaps it would do the men good to take over for a change.

Just until morning.

buffy the vampire slayer, spike/alexander harris/anya jenkins, five stages of love, passion

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