Firefly (Jayne/Kaylee) Five Senses

Apr 07, 2006 00:57

Title: Secret Song
Series: Gunpowder and Engine Grease
Author: Rachel
Theme: Five Senses: Hearing
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for stagesoflove

One thing Kaylee missed about being planet side was singing, she remembered many afternoons spent working on her Daddy’s farm, just singing the whole time. Captian didn’t sing much, she thought he might’ve before the war. ‘Nara music was pretty enough, but not the same. Wash sang some, but normally only to embarrass Zoe.

So she smiled pleasantly when she heard singing from the galley, her Daddy’s favorite song. When she walked in and found Jayne, softly singing while he cleaned his guns, she was a little more surprised.

He looked up, right at her.

She blushed, and ran away.

firefly, jayne cobb/kaylee frye, five senses

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