Title: On Peacemillion (Part 3/5)
Author: Raletha
Theme: The Five Stages Of Love - Passion
Rating: NC-17/MA
Warnings: language, sex
After the mission, impatience rather than practicality had the two young men crammed together in the small shower stall. Elbows were banged, ribs were elbowed, but finally, naked touches were exchanged.
Trowa grabbed Quatre's cock in a tight, soaped fist, and Quatre grunted, "sorry," against Trowa's neck: his kiss had slipped into an accidental bite.
"Clean enough," Trowa said.
Quatre still had shampoo in his hair when Trowa dragged the mattresses from the room's bunks and dumped them on the floor. Then they were on the floor too, together, and Trowa, breathless and hot, asked Quatre to fuck him... please.