House M.D. -- Greg House/Brittany House -- "Busted"

Apr 04, 2006 23:21

Title: Busted
Characters/Pairing: Brittany House, James Wilson; Greg House/Brittany House
Prompt: #3 -- Passion
Word Count: 478
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Safe (04/04/06)
Summary: It's hard to fly if you don't believe all the time. -- Jets to Brazil, "Air Traffic Control"
Author's Notes: Post-episode for Safe, in which Brittany and Wilson have a confrontation; if you haven't seen that episode, don't read this. There aren't major spoilers but it takes away one of the best gags of the hour.

"James, I need a word with you."

Wilson swallowed when he saw Brittany House walking toward him. Judging by her tone, her diction and that look on her face, his best friend's wife wasn't happy, and she wasn't happy with him. Never mind that he couldn't think of a single thing he'd done wrong.

"Um, okay," he said and carefully led her into his office. At least she wasn't carrying a gun. Back when she was armed on a regular basis, she was about the last person he wanted to make angry.

She still ranked up there.

He shut the door and looked at her, confused. "What's up?"

"It seems my husband had a fall yesterday," she said, folding her arms over his chest. "Told me that in the course of a practical joke, you filed halfway through his cane?" The eyebrow arched and Wilson knew he was in for it.

"Oh, God." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Brittany, he's been doing crap to me all week...did he tell you what he did with my phone messages? I mean, Jesus..."

"I'm fairly sure my husband's an ass, James, I married him, but I don't care what he did. That wasn't funny at all. He could have gotten seriously hurt."

Wilson got serious in an instant. "He's my best friend, I would never do anything to intentionally hurt him."

"I know you wouldn't." She nodded slightly. "But who's to say that it couldn't have been worse, James? What if it'd broken when he was trying to do something stupid like go up stairs and he'd fallen down them? Or in the parking lot? You had no control over that. You were lucky it happened when it did." She paused only slightly, looking him in the eye. "Don't do it again."

He nodded. "I won't, Brittany. I'm sorry."

"I know." The diminutive brunette took several steps forward, smiled slightly, and then grabbed Wilson by the tie and gave a sharp yank down that made the oncologist yelp. "Because if you ever did hurt my husband intentionally, you'd be the next one and it'd hurt a lot more."

She let him go and turned for the door. Once Wilson had straightened up and caught his breath, he found himself almost smiling.

"You know, Stacy would've just rolled her eyes," he commented to Brittany's back. "Greg's not the kind of man who inspires the kind of passion where a woman would cause physical harm on his behalf." A smirk. "He's normally the one in harm's way."

Brittany chuckled. "I'm not her," she said quietly. "Or any other woman but me."

"You're his wife," Wilson replied, all that either of them needed to know.

She nodded and opened the door. "I'll see you later, James. I've got to go find my husband before he appears to be violating any other patients."

greg house/brittany house, five stages of love, house m.d., passion

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