BSG, Helo/Boomer, Five Senses: Hearing

Apr 04, 2006 15:31

Title: The Buzzing of Bees
Author: lizardbeth_j
Pairing: Helo/Sharon
For the stagesoflove "Exploration of a Relationship through the Five Senses", Prompt 2: Hearing
Spoilers: LDYB2
Summary: Sharon won't listen.
Disclaimer: Battlestar Galactica is copyright to people who are not me. I certainly didn't make any money from it. The first line is poached from the ep.
WC: 560 words

Back to Part 1

"I'm not giving up so frakkin' easy!"

To Sharon, it's nothing but sound. Helo's voice, the hum of the circulation system, and the drone of the engines is all one noise.

He comes back the next day.

"Sharon, talk to me, please..."

She remembers bees. Even after nuclear holocaust, they were searching for flowers, and one of them kept buzzing near her ear.

Day after day, Helo comes to visit her and she ignores him. She wants to tell him to give up, let her go. But she's too numb to speak. Blank. Like an empty channel on the wireless.

Helo's tactics change, turning chatty about President Baltar and the new planet they're apparently going to settle (confirming her belief in the general stupidity of humans). She doesn't care about the Fleet or Baltar.

She thinks she doesn't care about Helo either.

Until the day he doesn't come.

Kara Thrace does. Sharon stares upward.

Kara knocks on the glass. "Give it up, Sharon. I've been in hack often enough to know you can hear me."

Sharon can hear, but that doesn't mean she has to listen. There are three hundred and fifty-two rivets in the ceiling.

"Fine," Kara says. "I'm gonna talk anyway. I'm sorry about your baby; I am. I understand that it's tough for you. But it's tough for Karl too, and what you're doing to him is unforgivable."

Hearing "Karl" attracts her attention. Sharon never thinks of it as his name. It sounds strange.

Kara's voice turns low and biting. "You're killing him, do you care about that at all? I can barely get him to eat. I had to pull him off CAP because he's such a frakkin' mess. So you know what? I'm going down to New Caprica and I'm going to take him with me. Because if you won't help him -- I will."

Suddenly she's looking at Kara. It's Kara's game face -- Sharon has no idea if she's bluffing or not. Probably not.

Kara bares her teeth a little, satisfied. "Sam and I will teach him to play decent Pyramid. And he'll meet some nice girl from Aeliron. The memories of his Cylon girlfriend will get buried and good riddance."

"No," Sharon whispers. The word takes her by surprise, but she means it. She stands up. "No. You can't take him away."

Kara feigns surprise. "Why not? You certainly don't give a frak. I don't think you ever really did. It was all about the baby -- get the human to get you pregnant. But now there's no baby, so the human's irrelevant trash -- "

"No!" Sharon shouts. Kara's words are sharp, cutting through the muffling insulation and exposing her pain again. "That's not true!"

"Prove it."

The words seem to echo long after Kara's gone.

Helo comes the next day. He looks terrible, too small, and hangs his head.

"I can't do this alone," he murmurs. "Tell me what else I can do. Please, Sharon..." his voice trails off in defeated misery, and he rests his head against the cell wall, one large hand flat against the glass.

All through his words she's moving toward him. He doesn't hear her movement, staying slumped and still.

"Helo." Her voice cracks. But he hears. Their eyes meet, and she remembers their promise: together.

"Helo," she says again. "Don't go."

She raises her hand and matches his, almost touching.

Suddenly, tears slide down their faces, as they press their hands together.

In silence.

karl c. 'helo' agathon/sharon 'boomer' v, round ii, five senses, battlestar galactica 2004

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