FAKE: Dee Laytner/Randy 'Ryo' Maclean, romance

Apr 04, 2006 21:05

Title: Unconscious
Author: twilightsrain/edenbound (ficjournal)
Theme: Romance
Rating: G
Note: These drabbles are all in Ryo's POV. I hope that's clear. *dying of writer's block*

It wasn't like buying him flowers or any of that. It wasn't like that at all, but it was still a romance, an unconscious one. It was reaching over and moving his tie up, straightening it out, making him look like he hadn't just got into work minutes late. Catching a bit of the heat for all the things he did that weren't quite according to the regulations.

It was being around to talk when he was all clammed up and quiet. It was lending him some money or making him a coffee.

And I didn't even realise I was doing it.

five stages of love, dee laytner/randy 'ryo' maclean, fake

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