Fic: Second Time Around - Veronica/Logan - Five Stages of Love

Apr 03, 2006 15:56

Title: Second Time Around
Author: blue_icy_rose
Rating: PG
Stage: Attraction
Summary: Veronica realizes that her feelings for Logan have changed. Again.
Warnings/Spoilers: None that I can think of at the moment.
Disclaimer: They belong to Rob Thomas, not me. I only do this for fun.
Author's Note: Whew! Cutting it close with these but I'll have the 2nd one out today or tomorrow. Anyway, hope you enjoy and feedback's welcome!

It had been almost two years since she and Logan had broken up. Since then, they’d both been through hell. The investigation into who had really killed Felix, finding out who had been behind the bus crash and Curly Moran’s death. And then there’d been Aaron’s trial.

She didn’t think she’d ever forget hearing the verdict.

“On the count of murder in the first degree, how do you find?”

“We, the jury, find the defendant not guilty.”

No, she’d never forget hearing that Lilly’s killer wouldn’t be put away forever. She’d never forget the look of satisfaction that Aaron had gotten.

It was little consolation that he had been convicted of assault.

And then there’d been their relationships.

Troy, James, Amanda, Sarah. None of them had stayed in the relationship for longer than a few months. That fact had never bothered her before but now, watching Logan, it did.

They’d finally gotten to a place where they could become friends and now she was starting to have feelings for him again.

And it wasn’t as if she’d planned it. She’d been just fine her feelings meant Logan equals friend. But of course, they had to go and change on her. She sighed.

“You okay?”

Veronica looked up to find Logan watching her with concern. She nodded and forced a smile.

“Yeah. I’m good,” she said. He nodded and turned back to the paper he was writing. She shook her head. “Actually, I’m not.”

Logan turned towards her and motioned for her to continue. When she didn’t say anything, he rolled his eyes. “I’m not a mind reader, Mars. Spit it out or let me get back to my paper because I am not flirting with Professor Harrison for a higher grade. He’s not my type.”

She glared at him briefly before taking a deep breath. There was only one way to do this.

“Do you still have feelings for me, Logan?”

five stages of love, veronica mars/logan echolls, veronica mars, attraction

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